Welcome to Echo Ranch Haines!
35 miles north of our Berners Bay summer camp location sits our second camp location, just south of the community of Haines, Alaska. This site, formerly called Rainbow Glacier Camp, operated for decades as a summer camp; now known as Echo Ranch Haines, this site serves to “echo God’s glory” to the people of Haines and beyond through retreats, day camps, youth events, and more!

Haines Day Camps (ages 5-14)
Every summer, we host a week of day camps at Echo Ranch Haines!
From 9:00am to 3:00pm, day campers will be supervised by Echo Ranch staff and volunteers and will enjoy free time activities like volleyball, hatchet throwing, archery, and the zipline; group field games; and two engaging chapel lessons and discussions.
Dropoff (8:30-8:50am) and pickup (3:10-3:20pm) offered at the Pool each day, with transportation provided to and from camp. Alternatively, you can drop your child off at Echo Ranch Haines from 9:00-9:15am and pick them up from 3:00-3:15pm. Please respect the 5mph speed limit on the private dirt road.
Cost: $30 per day or $120 for 5 days
(Includes lunch, morning and afternoon snacks, and a t-shirt and devotional book to be given out on Friday.)
2025 Dates:
Monday, June 9 - Friday, June 13
Haines Infrastructure Renovations
We are in the process of upgrading the Echo Ranch Haines camp infrastructure through renovations and new construction.
With the help of work teams from across the country, we recently completed the new kitchen project that we started in 2022! The new kitchen is a new building attached to the existing dining hall and includes a walk-in refrigerator and freezer, a walk-in pantry, a dishwashing room, a small conference room, and a staff bathroom. All of this will make cooking for bigger crowds at Echo Ranch Haines much more efficient and comfortable. We’re excited for the increased ministry opportunities this brand-new kitchen will provide (and our cooks are already loving it)!
We also recently completed a new bathhouse facility! Located up the hill from Bromley Hall, the new bathhouse will be much closer to the cabins than the current bathhouse is and will be more comfortable to use and easier to clean. We’re thrilled to be able to offer these new facilities to our guests.
We can’t wait to see what else God has in store for Echo Ranch Haines. Do you want to be a part of the vision? You can give toward our fund for future Haines renovations at the link below!